Turkish - German Academic Translators

Search results for Turkish - German Academic Translators
38 translators matching your srach criteria is found.

Education Information
University: Zurich and Marmara Law Faculties - none, 2012

Job experience: 22 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: Istanbul University - German Translation and Interpreting, 2014

Job experience: 14 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster - Business Informatics (Işletme Enformatiği), 2012
Degree: Galatasaray University - Logistics And Marketing Management, 2015

Job experience: 14 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Marmara University - Translation and Interpreting German, 2016

Job experience: 11 year(s)
Daily capacity: 20000 characters

Education Information
University: Fu-Berlin Politologie- Istanbul University Black. know Trakya University Educ. fac. - German Teaching, 2007
Degree: Trakya University, Sos. know Ins., Yab. Language. Mother. Dal., German Language Education - "Mnemonics Teaching Materials And Their Application In Edirne Koleji", 2010

Job experience: 11 year(s)
Daily capacity: 20000 characters

Education Information
University: Friedrich Alexander University - Dentistry Associate Degree, Bachelor of Chemistry, 1984

Job experience: 43 year(s)
Daily capacity: 8000 characters

Education Information
University: Stuttgart University - Silence, 1996
Doctorate: FHTE Esslingen - Chemistry/ Dry Powder Coating, 1997

Job experience: 35 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: Dokuz Eylul University - industrial engineer, 1994

Job experience: 35 year(s)
Daily capacity: 15000 characters

Education Information
University: RWTH Aachen - Computer Eng., 1996

Job experience: 35 year(s)
Daily capacity: 43750 characters

Education Information
University: Anatolian University - German, 1992

Job experience: 30 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: University of Liechtenstein - Economy, 4

Job experience: 30 year(s)
Daily capacity: 20000 characters

Education Information
University: Hacettepe - German language and literature, 2001

Job experience: 28 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: University of Hagen - Educational Philosophy, 2005

Job experience: 26 year(s)
Daily capacity: 25000 characters

Education Information
University: Istanbul University - Translation and Interpreting, 2006

Job experience: 25 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Anatolian University - German Language Education, 1998

Job experience: 23 year(s)
Daily capacity: 8000 characters

Education Information
University: Hacettepe University - German language and literature, 2000

Job experience: 23 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: University of Applied Sciences Hotel & Gastronomy - hotel clerk, 1996

Job experience: 22 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Free University of Berlin - German language and literature, 2013

Job experience: 21 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Dokuz Eylul University - German- English- Turkish, Translation and Interpreting, 2011

Job experience: 16 year(s)
Daily capacity: 20000 characters

Education Information
University: Hacettepe University - German Teaching, 2009
Degree: M.E.T.U - none,

Job experience: 14 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: University Of Hohenheim / Almanya - Economics, 2011

Job experience: 13 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: Istanbul University - Translation and Interpreting German, 2013

Job experience: 13 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Istanbul University - German Translation and Interpreting, 2009

Job experience: 13 year(s)
Daily capacity: 20000 characters

Education Information
University: Erciyes University - English teacher,

Job experience: 12 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Choosing the right translator for academic Turkish » German translations

Academic translation is carried out for document types such as scientific publications, papers, and abstracts prepared by universities and institutes and academicians carrying out research and teaching activities in various branches of science. In academic translations, content is encountered in sub-titles such as Philosophy, Metallurgy, Zoology, Metrology, Astronomy And Space. For more details and pricing information about this area, you can visit our Academic Translation page.

Getting the desired output from a translation project depends on the expertise of the translators who will undertake the work. Expert translators can be distinguished by their command of the source and target languages of the documents, their past experience in the relevant branch and their educational background. Here you can see the training areas of our translators, their daily outputs and how many years of experience they have. Then, you can visit the profile page of the translator you find suitable, to examine their qualifications in more detail, and to have an idea about the translation quality by assessing the translator's past translation examples. If you decide he/she is suitable for a specific translation, you can appoint this translator to your projects. If you make this evaluation, you will be sure that you will be working with a translator who is suitable for the content and purpose of your document, and therefore you will receive a satisfactory translation service.

Criteria for choosing the right academic translators

Education Criterion

Expertise in terms of educational background should absolutely be taken into account in academic translations. In other words, it is not enough for a translator to have a good command of the languages in order to interpret the texts correctly. At least undergraduate level education requirement must be sought in the academic field. In the academic field, 44 of our translators translate from Turkish to German. Among our academic translators, we have team members who have been educated in Educational Philosophy, German Teaching, none, German departments, as well as none, Logistics And Marketing Management, Political Science, Mnemonics Teaching Materials And Their Application master's degrees and none, Chemistry/ Dry Powder Coating doctorate degrees.

Experience Criterion

In order to make a comparison between the translators who meet the education criteria, you should first look at how many years they have been working as a translator. In our translation office team, there are academic translators whose experience ranges from 5 to 23 years. Looking at the sectors in which the translators have worked before, it may be more reasonable to prefer those who have worked in positions that overlap with the subject.

Translator's sample translations

Before making your final decision, you can also assess the translation examples presented according to the branch and sub-branches. For this, take a look at the relevant sections on the translators' profile pages. This will show you which branches she/he is familiar with in the academic field.