Legal Translation: prices, sample translations and translators

Legal Translation

Legal Translation
The legal parlance has a unique structure in every country and language. Even in our mother tongue, we may have difficulty in understanding legal texts. The reason for this is that legal texts emerged with the overlapping of laws shaped in the development of societies for hundreds of years, and laws were generally written by expressing old concepts from these places.

Therefore, legal translation is one of the most difficult areas of translation, and even in a common language such as English, this difficulty exists.

In this case, legal translations can force even a translator who knows the relevant language well. Therefore, legal education and experience is essential in this field. Generally, texts within the scope of legal translation are legally binding for the persons concerned, and even a minor mistake in translation can cause major irreversible problems.

With the awareness of this situation, we work with translators who have received legal training for all kinds of legal English translations, who have been to work or training in countries where the relevant language is spoken, or who have long-term professional experience.

If you want error-free translation of contracts, court decisions, judicial documents, national and international legislation and regulations, you can contact us right now. Moreover, you will be able to benefit from this privileged service with the reasonable translation prices of Tek Translation Office.

  • Prices for
    Legal Translation

    English » Turkish: 0.06875 USD
    Turkish » English: 0.06875 USD

    Click here to browse our prices in other languages and areas of expertise.

    The translation price is calculated based on the word count in the target text. Factors such as subject, length, and tightness of deadline may affect the final price. We provide translations in the field of Legal Translation with a total of 30 translators and a daily translation capacity of approximately 680,000 characters.

Approximate Price Calculation

To find out the translation price, specify the details below and click the "Calculate" button.

Our Legal Translators

Some of our translators who do legal translations are listed below. You can view the qualifications of our translators on their profile pages and choose an appropriate translator for your translations.

Name Languages Education Information Capacity (characters per day)
EGEHAN C. 1460 Turkish « » English Istanbul University - Law 10000
BURAK B. 2225 English « » French Galatasaray University - Law 30000
AYSEL P. 2191 English « » Turkish Izmir University of Economics - Law 10000
GUNAY I. 2602 Turkish « » Azerbaijani Baku State University - Law 20000
NEŞE A. 1566 Turkish « » English Bilkent University - Law 5000

Legal Translation Samples

  • Turkish Slovak Legal Translation Çeviri Örneği - 369
    • Title: criminal record
    • Language pair:
      [Turkish » Slovak]
  • Turkish English Legal Translation Çeviri Örneği - 258
    • Title: European Court of Human Rights
    • Language pair:
      [Turkish » English]
  • English Turkish Legal Translation Çeviri Örneği - 73
    • Title: Insurance Plan Membership...
    • Language pair:
      [English » Turkish]
  • English Turkish Legal Translation Çeviri Örneği - 39
    • Title: Manual Review
    • Language pair:
      [English » Turkish]
  • Greek English Legal Translation Çeviri Örneği - 370
    • Title: Citizenship Act Form 5
    • Language pair:
      [Greek » English]
  • Arabic Turkish Legal Translation Çeviri Örneği - 191
    • Title: Translation
    • Language pair:
      [Arabic » Turkish]
  • Norwegian Turkish Legal Translation Çeviri Örneği - 358
    • Title: Divorce suit
    • Language pair:
      [Norwegian » Turkish]
  • Russian Turkish Legal Translation Çeviri Örneği - 99
    • Title: Шанхайская...
    • Language pair:
      [Russian » Turkish]
  • Arabic Turkish Legal Translation Çeviri Örneği - 265
    • Title: Company Agreement
    • Language pair:
      [Arabic » Turkish]