Turkish, English translator - SILA S.

About SILA S. - Turkish, English translator

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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, English languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".

Language/Branch/Capacity Information

  • Language Pairs
    • English » Turkish: 5000 characters (800 Words)
    • Turkish » English: 5000 characters (800 Words)
  • Fields of Expertise:
    Academic, Literary, Tourism, Website, Social Sciences

Education Information

University: Middle East Technical University - International relations | 2016
Degree: Bournemouth University - International Political Communication | 2017

Job experience

Experience: 11 year(s)

Translator's Sample Translations

  • Turkish » English - Technical Translation (Construction)
    Deneyimli kadromuz ve teknolojik alt yapımız ile sektörün beklenti ve isteklerinin üzerinde kaliteli hizmet ve ürünler sunmaktır.
    is to provide quality services and products beyond the expectations and demands of the sector with our experienced staff and technological infrastructure,
  • Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)
    LPG Tankeri Otomatik kapama hidroliği şişirebiliniyor mu?
    Can the LPG Tanker Automatic covering hydraulics be swelled?
  • Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)
    Poyrazlar Gölü, çevresi ve orman içi dinlenme alanları ile ilin turizmi açısından önem taşımaktadır.
    Poyrazlar Lake is important for its surroundings and recreational areas in the forest.
  • Turkish » English - Technical Translation (Construction)
  • Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)
    Haciz:06.08.2012 Y:28687 Antalya 4.
    Attachment: 8/6/2012 W:28687 Antalya 4th
  • Turkish » English - Website Translation (Internet, e- Commerce)
    [ ] BXX payı [ ] Sizin payınız
    ( ) BXX's share ( ) Your share
  • Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)
    Ağır ve Tehlikeli İşler Sağlık Raporları alınmış mıdır?
    Are Health Certificates for Heavy and Dangerous Works obtained?
  • Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)
    Uygun görülmediği taktirde, eğitimler, GNB' nun yönlendirdiği kurumda her tür maliyet YÜKLENİCİ tarafından karşılanacak şekilde yaptırılacaktır.
    In case of disapproval, the trainings shall be given by the institute determined by GNB and all costs shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR.
  • Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)
    Paylaşılacak toplam tutar (25.000 Km için) :
    Total amount to be shared (for 25.000 Km) :
  • Turkish » English - Technical Translation (IT and telecom)
    Firma sunucu platformlarının işletmesini kolaylaştırmak ve kaynaklarınından daha fazla faydalanmak için sanallaştırma uygulaması teklif edecektir.
    The Firm shall propose a virtualization application in order to make it easier for server platforms to operate and benefit from the sources more.
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)
    Switch 6 of SW2 selects the Modbus protocol for ASCII or RTU as shown in the Modbus Protocol Table, 11-1E.
    SW2'ye ait 6. siviç, Modbus Protokol Tablosu 11-1E'de gösterildiği gibi, ASCII veya RTU için Modbus protokolünü seçer.
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Printing)
    USB sticks are the perfect business gift.
    USB bellekler mükemmel iş hediyeleridir.
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Telecommunication)
    Supports both analog graph and digital graph display
    Hem analog grafik hem de dijital grafik ekranı destekler
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Construction Material)
    You are unable to see it but the single-lever bath filler and shower mixer is mounted on the wall.
    Göremiyor olabilirsiniz ancak tek kollu banyo doldurucu ve duş bataryası duvara montelidir.
  • English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)
    Activities where the employee has an interest or involvement with an outside organisation where that involvement is recognised either by some form of
    Çalışanın bir dış kurumda menfaati veya ilişkisinin olduğu, bu ilişkinin doğrudan
  • English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)
    Includes Items such as Cold Frames and Plant Tunnels sold together in the same packaging.
    Aynı ambalaj içinde birlikte satılan soğuk çerçeve veya bitki tünelleri olarak tanımlanabilecek/gözlemlenebilecek her tür ürün dahildir.
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Telecommunication)
    Two internal, shock-resistant, 2.5 SATA HDD bays
    İki adet darbeye-dayanıklı 2.5 SATA HDD bölmeleri
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)
    If the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly (keys 3 and 26) came out of the valve with the stem/bellows assembly, move the seat ring retainer and bushing assembly against the shoulder of the valve plug (key 2) or valve plug guide (key 27, figure 13) to provide access to the pin (key 36, figure 11).
    Eğer yuva halkası tutucu ve burç tertibatı (3 ve 26) mil/körük tertibatına sahip valften dışarı çıkıyorsa, söz konusu yuva halkası tutucu ve burç tertibatını, pime (36, şekil 11) erişim sağlamak için valf tapasının omzuna (2) ya da val tapası kılavuzuna doğru hareket ettirin.

Other information & experiences

I studied language in the USA in 2014. Since I received my undergraduate education at METU, I was constantly intertwined with English throughout this process due to the language of education. After I finished my undergraduate education, I got my master's degree in England. I stayed there for more than a year.

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